As we walk through life, we grow. Most of us go through a rebellious stage in life in the teenage years. Some call this stage weird, some say it is normal, most would agree that it is a time in your life when you are learning who you are, what you want to believe, what you want out of your life. You will soon be expected to live life outside of the parameters of what your parents consider normal, and will be with out their guidance to make decisions of how you will live your life.
You will learn that some mistakes are worth making, you will truly define yourself, and who you want to be. Your social status will be what you want it to be, when you are away from your parents. I feel most of all this is the time of life where we learn to lie about who we truly are. Where we learn to live a double standard life, because this is the time in life where we try to pretend that we are good as gold, while away from our parents we are the whores, the experimenters of the social parameters of life. Not all but most, and if you are not having sex, trying drugs you are then labeled by your social group to be weird or less than normal.
It is all a part of growing up, social pressure will surly push you to doing things you never thought about. Not because some one told you too, or because you wanted to fit in, but deep down, underneath it all, the truth is you do it because you want to experience it, before you have to grow up and become boring, a church goer, some one who is not allowed to have any fun in life because this is what the adult generation teaches you is acceptable, and if your parents drink, or party, then they are considered to not be the norm, when the truth is most all adults still slip out and live their double lives, some of them are just not as honest as others are about it. They have their social status they must uphold. "Can't let the preacher know I was drinking on Friday and dancing on the top of a bar half naked that is why I travel 200 miles away from home where no one knows me, when I need to let loose." Or maybe it is due to their social status with work, what ever it is, adults are preparing to learn to hide who they truly are from a very young age.
We call this behavior normal, you grow up , live a double life, pretend in your daytime hours to be something that you are not, then you live your life how you choose when you have time. As you cross over to adult hood, if you continue to be known as anything more than someone who works, comes homes, tends to kids, and a house, and are setting in a church pew first thing on Sunday morning, you are now considered unacceptable in our society, trash, Weird.. How dare you submit to any other standards than the up beat on going christian who hides their sins, and confesses them on Sunday morning to receive forgiveness.
I have learned through my life, that I am weird, I set my standards of being straight up and honest of who I am high, and I don't care what people think of that. I do not set expectations of my kids that they will be any different than I was growing up, because society tells me that I can change those things, if I have a firm hand, and a untied tongue. I know they will be normal, they will make mistakes, and I will be here to say learn from it, opposed to telling them that it is ok.
I am strange because I don't go to church, or I study natural health instead of listening to people tell me the way that I should believe, or how I should live. Yet I feel I am normal. More normal than most, because I search for answers, I fill the void in my curiosity, and I remain true to myself, instead of playing that I am something that someone else expects me to be.
Some times Normal, is as plain as the art displayed in unusual art displays, sometimes normal is being honest. Some of the most honest and intelligent people I know, have destroyed the very essence of who they are, seeking to be normal by society's definition. I attempt to celebrate the very essence of Normalcy, in its many shades and colors, in it's many definitions. Normal to me, is defining myself,it is surrounding myself with people, who do not accept social norm, to be normal. Yet instead they embrace who they are, they are honest, about the evil, the good, the bad, the instincts of their human nature. That is normal, hiding who you are and what you want out of life is weird to me.
So the next time you look to someone and call them out on being weird maybe you should stop to ask your self, when was the last time you searched for your own meaning of normalcy? When was the last time you defined yourself outside of social parameters, of what someone else deemed to be politically correct for you? You might find that sacrificing integrity and honesty; of the very essence of who you truly are, is not worth being viewed by the public as normal. Because your own definition of normal should be all that you need, and all that you abide by in life.
Here is to all you normal people who define normal for yourselves, and for those of you who don't well I am sorry, for you.. It has to be hard to hide who you truly are, all to be accepted by society and seen as what they deem to be normal..
By:Crazed Minx
i am sooooo glad you are back to writing my dear. I love you and i love your mind!
ReplyDeleteI am glad I am back to writing too, I have been needing to let this stuff out for a while.. I love you and your mind and everything about you. Now if I can't just gain access to your blogs again.. love you!
ReplyDeleteCount me as also being glad you are writing again! I was enjoying your posts on Myspace before, and I am having fun getting to know you better <3
ReplyDeleteThank you Vanna, I am glad to be back at it again too. I have missed reading, and I am glad that you are back to writing where i can find you as well.. hugs <3
ReplyDeleteHi love, This is great! I really do understand what it is you're saying. I put it this way;
ReplyDeleteWe are all children playing in the back yard, when society calls us in for supper, some of us don't go and live to write about it.
Hello Beautiful, I agree! hugs..