Welcome to my mind, soul, and thoughts.

I am wrapped up in politics, I am a nurturing person, who tends to get very defensive about my nurturing policies.
I do not wish to offend any one with my views on politics or religion, however I choose to express them as my right as a human being.
If you don't like something you see feel free to never come back.. Some expressions I have here may be of adult content, if you are against erotica, BSDM, sex, and open opinions I suggest you read no further. Other wise as always it is my pleasure to share with you the many moods and phases I go through in my life.. Happy reading..

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Any one who knows me, Knows I did not vote for Obama! That being said, I find it strange that I am continuously, defending the man, sure I have taken my cracks at him, he hasn't made it nearly as easy as Bush did though. As I watch my status updates on facebook and the replies to the millions of articles that I read a day, I grow disgusted with the American public! 

I watch the flip flop of politics ram through like a scourging  dragon attempting to fight for his last meal. The very thing that you have been warned about for over a decade is unfolding before your very eyes, and it is no ones fault but our own!  Well not mine and a few others out there who truly educate themselves on who they will vote for. But a majority of the American public PARTY VOTE and trust a PARTY instead of the PERSON that is to represent you!

Now This is the thing I will point out to you Obama told you from the start that he was all about changing and revising Health care! Giving it to all Americans? The masses cried out they wanted change, and he never lied to you about the Change that he was wanting to give, (although I am not convinced that he ever wanted a true public option, because if he did what we got would not have been where he settled at) However the masses cried out about their money the cost of rising taxes! The republicans blocked the true public option that was on the table, and instead of it coming out of your taxes all together it will now come out of your pocket. If you choose not to have INS then it is going to cost you in fines and penalties. 

Now I understand, the massive outcry about the government getting involved in your health care, don't get me wrong I truly do! However what I don't understand is the rhetorical flip flop voting system you people play havoc with! You say no to your country paying for INS for your kids and grand kids, Yet now you cry for tax breaks, and hurl at the Liberals for saying we can no longer afford tax breaks?

Well You know this is the deal people, The deficit that has been racked up over the years is in fact our fault! Now you don't want to pay for Health insurance for the needy because that will cost your children and grand children, yet you want more tax breaks for the corporations and rich, to stick your children paying for the deficit that we are not paying down. The deficit that the very politicians that you voted in caused!

Don't get me wrong, I am completely against higher taxes, as a matter of a fact I am against taxation at all! But if I have to pay taxes and unfortunately, I live in a system that is truly based on spending money, if it isn't spending the economy is crashing until we have got to the point where spending is now hurting us more, and well we are headed in a cycle in which we will have to do something different again. Paying down the deficit? Cutting government spending? There are many ideas out there that are the same old trumped up ideas that bring us in a circle of government spending. Like it or not it is true. 

But this is something that I am going to urge you to consider? If you are absolutely against educating yourself on every politician that is running for office whether on the ballot or a write in, then you already know that there is going to be taxes to be paid, and you are the tax payer that is going to have to pay them. Our deficit has risen there is no way to pay it with out raising our taxes, come on a first grader can figure that out shut up your whining and use some fucking logic for a min. However, if you are not going to vote for the person who is truly best qualified for the Job (and let me say I haven't seen a republican or democrat in my life time that has been qualified for the job) then at least vote for the one who is going to put that deficit at a higher place, by providing more for you? Does what they are saying that we need to spend money on  make sense? Health care before war? Which makes more sense? Jobs in our country over jobs over seas? Higher taxes for higher salary makers or higher taxes for the middle class? The right to make your own choices or the right to silence your opinions? Your right to change and over throw the government that is disappointing you. or your right to watch your country crumble and fall, leaving us with out a democracy a republic, or even what could be considered mere socialism?

Or on the other hand you could just do what your forefathers expected you to do! You could stand up against the corporations, you could educate your selves about the PEOPLE you are voting for, NOT THE PARTY! you could throw them votes out there and demand change, and maybe you could get it! But let me tell you something until we as a country get our heads equally out of our asses, and start holding these arrogant self centered, line my own pocket and screw you with a rubber mallet politicians responsible for what they claim to be, and until we over throw the ones that are harming us, and taking our freedoms away our country is going to get less free, more expensive to live in, It will continue that we will have more problems feeding our own, and it is all our faults! If you want change DEMAND it! Stick to your guns, and stop voting for a fucking PARTY! In case you haven't noticed the people representing the Republican and Democratic parties are all for increasing deficit, but which of the two is the most moral? That is what you need to be worried about? 

How do you sleep with a conscience of having blood on your hands? It is your tax money that has caused many wars? How do you sleep at night knowing that you have blocked people from receiving health care that they need, all because you didn't want the deficit to be extend to your children, yet you are willing to take tax breaks, take out more loans, so that you kids and great grand kids will be paying for your mistakes you have made?

Get Educated.. I don't care what you think about this and that! I want you to get educated! For once in your life, for once in the past several decades do what we as a NATION have failed to do! Grab these bastards by their balls, sling them to the curb, and fucking hold them RESPONSIBLE for what they are doing! Most of all BE RESPONSIBLE Yourself in knowing who you are voting for! You have the right to vote, don't toy with it.. That is a responsibility not a careless decision to be made like throwing your virginity away to the first little jock that talks sweet. Your decision to vote, not only affects you! It affects everyone else, in our country, and will affect our children and our grand children, you have something called freedom quit pissing it away with a half hear-ted decision at the polls!

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